Sports not only builds character, but it reveals it. My coaching philosophy is based on character, passion, and fun. Practices should be competitive, energized, and organized from the first minute to the last minute. Athletes should be permitted to be themselves, showing their personality within the structure of the team element. Each athlete must understand and embrace the team concept, but be allowed to thrive as an individual within that team. Sports should be fun, that doesn't mean every minute of the experience is rainbows and unicorns, but if it's not enjoyable for the athletes and coaches, then something is wrong! Expectations should be set high for student-athletes, but also realistic. Each individual should be treated with respect, fairly, and with compassion, but not each individual should be treated the same. Why? Because we are all such different people! This is the joy of how we are designed, grow and adapt as human beings.
Head Coaching Experience
Assistant Coaching Experience
Head Coaching Experience
Assistant Coaching Experience